Monday, March 31, 2014

These kids drive me bats!

With two kids with me all day long it's hard to have any thoughts of my own. My head is filled with their little voices, and while I love them to pieces, I sometimes feel I've lost the ability to think. Bottom line: they drive me bats...sometimes...a lot of the time.

Before I get judgments about how I chose to be a mother, blah di blah, let me just add that making a decision doesn't take away from the fact that life isn't always as you expected, and it doesn't somehow discredit your feelings. Also, keep in mind that I am a work-from-home mom. I work on the computer and I have deadlines. I somehow have to work and pay attention to my boys. I have to feed them and myself. I have to play with them, I have to do homework with the elder of the two. For those of you who don't know, I recently tool my 4-year old out of his preschool because I felt the school looked the other way when he made a complaint about a fellow student harassing him. So now I have a  4-year old and a 20-month old at home with me all day long. And they are both momma's boys. They want and demand constant attention. Until just two weeks ago I was still breastfeeding the younger one and when I tried to ween he demanded to suck the living life out of me ALL DAY LONG. Imagine me on the computer trying to type and him crying, pushing my chair (he's a strong one he is), whining "teta, mommy teta!"; now it's "hug, mommy hug!" (breaks your heart I know, but very frustrating when trying to work). The four year old is very hyper, doesn't sit still and talks non-stop. That amazing imagination of his are a wonderful trait and I encourage it, but it can be quite numbing for my brain. I'll take this moment to confess that while I'm working I often plop them in front of the TV. When I'm feeling guilty for being a bad mom I'll take a break and play with them for a bit, take out some puzzles or LEGOs so they can play calmly while I get back to work, but they do spend way more time than recommended in front of the ol' electronic babysitter.

I realize this all sounds like complaining, but I needed to vent. I need to hear my own thoughts every once in a blue moon. And I thought I'd share because I'm sure I'm not the only parent who feels the same way...sometimes. So please feel free to vent and share your frustrations.

My Goals

I've avoided starting a blog in the past because I do care what people think, and was perhaps (okay, definitely) scared of inviting the unsolicited judgments of many. But I've decided that I have things to share and hopefully it will be worthwhile to someone, anyone, and this blog is for you. :)

I am a young mom (of two beautiful, fun, loving, sweet, silly, crazy, annoying momma's boys) and I work from home. Needless to say, it's not easy to make time for myself. I am on a mission to complete (and honestly start) some pending projects, including writing this blog. I hope to share the joys and tribulations of parenting while making time to work on a deadline, keep the house nice and clean (or at least as tidy as it can be before my two little monsters start throwing things all over the floor again, sometimes WHILE I'm picking up), paint/draw, read, write, start a business, have a social life, and have alone time with my hubby (the previous six are much easier said than done). I'm sure many moms (and you too dads) can relate.

So those are my goals and I'd love to share my progress and would love to hear your experiences as parents as well. Let's do what we teach our children and SHARE!