Sunday, June 15, 2014

To The Fathers In My Life:

Ramon: You are the father of my children. You were present from the very beginning, talking to them and kissing them via my belly. You were present at their birth. You cried tears of joy upon seeing them for the first time. You are hands on. You change their diapers and bathe them (sometimes).You wipe their butts and clean their boogers on your shirt when they are sick without batting an eye. If Sebas pretends to knock you down with his invisible powers you play along and throw yourself to the ground. You are a wonderful father and a great husband and I couldn't imagine raising our boys without you. Thank you for being a great "Papa". Your children thank you, too :)

Daddy: Though you weren't always around physically I know you were with us in spirit and that we were present in your mind. I have so many fond memories of visiting you during summer vacation. You let us run free and learn from our scrapes and bruises. You treated us with respect and as equals, instead of as children. In some ways, you were more of a friend than father. I love you unconditionally.

Mario: While I was perhaps too old when you came into our lives to consider you my father, you treat us all like your children, and are definitely a father to my younger brothers. You have always been there for us and give selflessly. You are my children's grandfather "Abu Mario". Thank you for being in our lives.

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in our lives!

*Feel free to share stories, photographs or tell me why you are thankful for the fathers in your life!

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